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We bring together millions of people who want to buy and sell things from different parts of the world. Our goal is to give power to individuals and make sure everyone has a chance to succeed economically.

In our markets, many people from all over the world come together, both on the internet and in person, to create, sell, and buy special items. We also provide various services and tools for sellers to help creative entrepreneurs begin, run, and expand their businesses. Our goal is to rethink how we do business in a way that creates a better and longer-lasting world. We are dedicated to using the influence of commerce to support communities and empower individuals.


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March 2023
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by All in One Holdings (PVT) Ltd Sri Lanka.

Meet Our Leaders

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Awards & Recognition

Industry leaders and influencers recognize Overstock as one of the most trust worthy retail companies in the U.S., ranking high for both customer and employee satisfaction.

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